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About Me


Logan Zehm

Software Developer @ General Motors

My name is Logan Zehm. I currently work for General Motors as a software developer. I prefer more backend or devops work, but I consider myself to be a fullstack developer. If you have ever heard the phrase "jack of all trades. master of none". I think that phrase describes me pretty well. I like to learn new things and get my hands dirty with a little bit of everything if possible. While some people like to hyperfocus in one aspect of computing I like to take a broader vision. I like to have a decent understanding of everything so I have a breadth of knowledge. This helps me understand the larger flow. If you understand all the little things then the bigger picture becomes clear. I believe this is what has made me exceedingly good at debugging and solving problems over the years.

I have a personal interest in artificial intelligence and deep learning. I have create various neural networks from scratch without a framework (following my philosophy). Lately, I have just been trying to apply neural networks to various tasks and experimenting with different architectures. I have even made a neural network visualization program. I hope to continue developing my knowledge and start implementing some of my own neural network algorithms I have brainstormed over the past few years. Long term I would like to work on autonomous vehicles or autonomous manufacturing robots.

Aside from deep learning projects I dabble in a little bit of everything. This portfolio site showcases a fraction of the projects I have done over the years. I have written my own shell in C. I have written my own assembler and accompanying simulator for that assembler. I have written my own digit recognition canvas application. I have written a data cache simulator. I have created personal automation tools for my desktop. I have written ability trackers for video games. You name it and I have probably attempted to program it or read about it.