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Simple Shell

About The Project

This is a shell program written in C. My shell program supports both piping and input/output redirection. It currently does not support swapping the current working directory. However, it has the functionality to run basically any terminal based command. And combined with piping and input/output redirection functionality it operates just like a regular shell. This program has a makefile for compilation. So as long as you have gcc and make installed you can easily compile the program with make.

Executing The Program

To start the program you simply execute ./simplesh. This will open the shell in your current terminal window. In the example below I utilize multiple pipes, output redirection, and I show what happens when you do not give a valid command.

If you try to run this program yourself it might feel odd. Because you basically have my shell program running inside another shell inside a terminal window. But this is the easiest way to display the functionality.